Parkson Corporation in Compliance with Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act / Build America, Buy America Act
Parkson products manufactured domestically can meet BABA provisions as published
The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (“IIJA”), also known as the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and which includes the Build America, Buy America Act (BABA, “the Act”), was signed into legislation on November 15, 2021. Parkson Corporation has reviewed and analyzed the IIJA, and we are confident in our ability to meet BABA provisions without changes to how we have historically conducted business.
According to the IIJA, $55B in funding will be allocated to the drinking water, wastewater, and storm water infrastructure sector. Federally funded projects require the domestic manufacture of iron and steel, manufactured products, and construction materials. Specific to manufactured products, the act requires:
(1) All manufactured products used in the project are produced in the U.S.
(2) The cost of the components of the manufactured product that is mined, produced, or manufactured in the U.S. is greater than 55% of the total cost of all components of the manufactured product.
Parkson products, classified as manufactured products, are historically fabricated at domestic facilities throughout the United States using U.S. sourced steel and materials. We have long taken pride in bringing equipment made in the USA to market using locally sourced raw materials whenever possible. We are also actively engaging with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in response to IIJA in the form of listening sessions and providing input to EPA’s waiver applications.
Upon request, Parkson can provide a compliance certificate to any customers. For further information or any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.